New Barcodes use light to store data

Ever wonder why they don’t make barcodes easier to read on packages? Sometimes it takes several tries to get a bag of chips to blip. But at MIT the barcode is getting a makeover. Using a small lens (3mm) and LED the new Bokode stores ridiculous amounts of data in a 3D optical layering. The best news is this new optical barcode can be read from up to several meters away meaning no more waiting in line while the store clerk tries countless times to scan those chips.

Mapping America: every city, every block.

Browse local data from the Census Bureau’s american Community Survey, based on samples from 2005 to 2009. Because these figures are based on samples, they are subject to a margin  of error, particularly in places with low population, and are best regarded as estimates.

chek it out here!

The Process of Learning a Word

Deb Roy studied the environment around his child to see how he learns a new language and how that develops over time. What I found interesting with this idea was the methodology he used to conduct this research. He documented the process over time in such a way that he was able to filter out the words that the baby heard the most and the people he was around the most. Based on this, he was able to diagram a process of his language learning. He used simple technology such as camera around the house. However he was able to extract the data that was relevant to his study.

i n v e r s e p y r a m i d – a social networking experiment

In a bid to study behavioral economics, social networking, and game theory, DARPA  offered prize money to anyone who found 10 weather balloons located around the country.

The aim of the network challenge was to explore the unprecedented ability of the Internet to bring people together to solve tough problems and to mark the Internet’s 40th birthday.

Also to exhibit how the Internet has become an integral part of society and the global economy over the years.