Assignment 4: Mouse interactivity

I modified the base in class program, with some help from others as I got caught up on the language and programing a few times, to meet what the TODO list said to do. In the actual assignment itself I added another layer of parsing which gave me the ability to generate different sized triangles. I then used this to create another series of random ranged triangles based on the points gather from the new information. I then made it so when a person clicks the left mouse button, anywhere on the screen, it would run the program and generate the triangles, and when someone right clicks the program restarts and clears the data.

After finishing the input side I began to mess around with the class function and what I could do to it. I found it boring that the shapes only went to one side of the screen and added some additional parameters allowing them to move in all directions. I added another set of parameters after that allowing me to generate random colors for each triangle, this one required some help from others as at first mine were only grey scaled. Lastly I moved on to changing the update me function to allow and change these results each time the program was called. The final product can be seen in the slide show below going from start, a series of left clicks, and finally a right click.

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Assignment 3.5: Interactive XML

I managed to add the ability for the mouse to interact with the boxes, by changing their color, but it still isn’t tied to their location. The left click turns the boxes white while the right click turns them into a dark grey. I tried to add a function that made it detect where the mouse was, and it did, so that if it was pressing the range it would only change that box. That only worked on a single point and didn’t even change the box it was on. If anyone has any suggestions or advice as to what might be wrong with it in terms of selecting a box that would be helpful.

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Fun little link

One of my friends pointed me to this link of a fun little interactive piece of dot art online. I found it interesting and mildly inspiration for how people can make art and programs that interact and change with how the user moves their mouse over it. The final shape is set, but the lead up and discovering of guessing what it is was fun enough that I wanted to share it. Here is the link to the site: LINK

Also as a note be careful as it doesn’t seem to like Internet Explorer, according to one of my other friends. As a challenge see how long it takes you to guess the image. I hope it can be as fun and inspirational for you as it was for me, and remember don’t spoil the image by posting what it is, let others find out and discover it.



Assignment 1-Understanding Processing, Radoslaw Bafia

Radoslaw Bafia

So, Basically I opened processing and went to certain examples which I thought would be a bit more challenging. I found an Image Explode function which was interesting. It is interactive and allows the user to scroll their mouse over the image to pixelate and explode it. Shown below is the original code and result:

Next: I proceeded to adjust some values including figuring out how to change and load the image and resize the screen in order for the new image to fit:

Pictured below are the results:

Above:This is the image by itself- with a re-sized viewing window.

Below: This is the image pixelated after the mouse is moved from left to right.

A Second example included a simple math function where I adjust many values including background color, line stroke, line length, and the location of the segment to create a very different looking function with the same behavior.See below:

Included is the code and highlighted are the changes.

I would like to acknowledge the authors of the original code, and mention that this was used only for testing purposes.

I will continue to experiment with processing, and hopefully it will lead to a rewarding final project for networked technologies.

Until then Cya,
