Assignment 3

Hey guys, this is my assignment 3 attempt. I was rather unsuccessful in achieving anything interesting or even too much different from the in class example. I need to re-visit this and figure out why the drawing is so blah. Anyway, I did change the class into a quadrilateral so it required me to point out extra points as well as rename classes etc. I also tried to make it interactive by using mouseX and mouseY as the coordinates, but for some reason I couldn’t get it to react to the mouse. All in all, it was a decent exercise in how to construct classes and use them within a script.

Here is a screenshot.

Its very similar to in class example and did not really do what I wanted. But that is probably because I wrote the XML wrong. Either way, this is what I got so far.


“Real” Gaming

I have never really gotten into video games.  For as long as I can remember any computer game that I play is similar more to Tetris or pin-ball than anything close to the games of today, such as Call of Duty or Battlefield. I felt that it was never as fun watching the game unfold on the screen as it would be to really be apart of something.  When I was younger, I liked the video games that used special controller to make the game more realistic.  Today, technology is advancing to make gaming more interactive, with graphics and sensory games like the Kinect system.  However, this video shows how far all the technologies of today could go to really bring a gamer into a more realistic situation.  Multiple types of gaming and projection equipment were put to use building a Battlefield 3 Simulator that makes even the real life experts feel like they are really there in the middle of the story.  Now that is a game I would be willing to try.


So I recently went to the free light show at the Bean and was slightly underwhelmed at the interaction between the people and the display.  The basic principle of the show really made me try and find more social interaction art pieces that would represent similar things to what we want to produce in this class.  I came across this video of the Milwaukee Art Museum and an exhibit of theirs called “Act/React”.  They have pieces like the wooden mirror system we looked at in class, but they also include floor and wall art that changes in relation to a given participant.

Cool Visualization

Hey guys,

I ran across this project and really like its functionality. I’m trying to mess with the source code to develop something similar myself but maybe with different shapes and reactions. We will see how it goes. Anyway its a really cool simple idea that I could see growing and developing into something interesting. As it stands now it functions very well and is fun to play with. I keep wanting to combine applets like this with music to create a music visualization that is possible interactive in some way. I will try to embed this applet, hope it works, so you guys can see it. Otherwise just copy the source code into processing and it will run. All credits to the author of the code, Daniel Winkler.

If this embed doesn’t work, just see this link here

Source Code:

// 2009 Daniel Winkler

Particle[] parts = new Particle[300];
PVector O = new PVector();

void setup()
size( 800, 600, P3D );
frameRate( 30 );
for( int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ )
parts[i] = new Particle();
fill( 30, 200, 255 );

void draw()
O.set( mouseX, mouseY, -500 );
background( 0 );
for( int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++ )

int size = 7;

public class Particle
PVector loc = new PVector( random( 0, width ), random( 0, height ), random( -300, -700 ) );
PVector speed = new PVector();

public Particle()


public void update()
if( mousePressed )
PVector dir = new PVector( mouseX, mouseY, -500 );
dir.sub( loc );
speed.add( dir );
speed.mult( .9 );
loc.add( speed );
translate( loc.x, loc.y, loc.z );
rotateToFace( loc );

beginShape( QUADS );
vertex( -size, -size, 0 );
vertex( size, -size, 0 );
vertex( size, size, 0 );
vertex( -size, size, 0 );

// O is your object's position
// P is the position of the object to face
// U is the nominal "up" vector (typically Vector3.Y)
// Note: this does not work when O is straight below or straight above P
PVector U = new PVector( 0, 1, 0 );
void rotateToFace( PVector P )
PVector D = new PVector( );
D.set( O );
D.sub( P );
PVector Right = U.cross( D );
PVector Backwards = Right.cross( U );
PVector Up = Backwards.cross( Right );
applyMatrix(Right.x, Right.y, Right.z, 0, Up.x, Up.y, Up.z, 0, Backwards.x, Backwards.y, Backwards.z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1);

Assignment 3

After class, I tried to take the coding that I had and rework it further.  I added height, width, and color restrictions.  The structure of the program allows for easy adjustments and additions to the Data file to create a more complicated program later on. With every restriction being attached to the same file, it can become a great diagram tool for future design studies.  Room sizes, adjacency, categorization, etc will be represented with just a simple addition to the basic data.


Processing, Java, and Sound. Experimental Song Maker

I found this to be pretty interesting.

The guy seems to have used processing and java to create visuals which are interactive and can be created in different ways and sizes. Based on the interactive forms, there is a sound that loops. It seems the bigger he makes the circles, the longer it takes for the sound to loop. It allows you to make electronic music (experimental) using a simple function. This is pretty cool. I’d even consider doing something like this for finals. Not sure If I can achieve it with what little scripting I know, but it would be cool to try. The visuals themselves are just cool. Check out the video, and pictures. He also has a website

Overbug_Live_at_Argentina from dominofactory on Vimeo.

Fantasy vs. Reality

Often times I have come across a really cool or unique concept, technology, or graphic portrayed in a movie which then makes me think could this really exist? what is the inspiration behind it? Film is one of the most popular forms of entertainment that exist in our world today, and as film makers are pushing the limits with modern technology it really makes you begin to wonder what is really possible in our world today. Two movies in particular have caught my eye, Minority Report starring Tom Cruise and Iron Man starring Robert Downey Jr. In Minority Report, Tom Cruise’s character basically uses an interactive UI (user interface) to catch potential criminals before they have committed a crime. This may present some questions and concerns on many levels but for the sake of this post I am only interested in the character’s interaction with the digital interface. I believe one day we may begin to design and create buildings “hands free”, this leads into the next movie Iron Man. In Iron Man, Tony Starks interacts with his computer digitally, with interactive technology, Stark’s is able to pull apart his Iron Man suit and solve any design and maintenance issues that may be presented. As you can see in the video’s below these two examples are fantasy.

Fantasy pt. 1

Fantasy pt. 2

Now that we have seen the movie side of this technology, let’s take a look at two examples which are taking technology like this and making it a reality. Here is the first example from FAST, it is pretty much a replication of  pre-crime from the movie. Part two of this “Minority Report”, is less infringing upon privacy but captures the same type of UI interaction which we see in the movie, the technology being developed is called g-speak – a spatial operating environment. Check out the video below and see previous link to website for more info.


g-speak overview 1828121108 from john underkoffler on Vimeo.

The second video begins to push the envelope even further and the video gaming environment begins to invade our own. The technology I speak of is called the kinect for the X-Box gaming system. Many hackers have began to break this technology down and really explore what its capabilities are besides playing games, most interesting to me is how one hacker began to interact with AutoCAD “hands free”.

ASSN 1: Exercise 2

For this assignment I created an ellipse at the center of the screen. I then used a for loop to offset the ellipse until it ran off the screen. I also wanted to be able to use a mouse function to alter the appearance of the ellipses. First, I integrated a mousePressed function that changed the color of the stroke from blue to red. I then added a function which mimicked the mouse2D example. This created ellipses whose dimensions were controlled by the position of the mouse on the screen. They also followed the mousePressed function to change color.

Xtranormal Animated Cartoon Movie Maker

I thought this website was sort of interesting/funny, you are able to pick from a set of characters, backgrounds, sounds and other items to create a custom movie, you can add motions, hand signs, face expressions, a background image on a wall, you can also move the camera.  You add in your own text that the characters read and interact with and they actually get the words typed in pretty well, even words that are not really in the dictionary.  You can then publish your movie to any of your social networking sites and tag the movie whatever you want so it can be found using their search box

Here is a good architecture one:

Why i thought this was relevant? well just thought it was an interesting interactive program that was created by someone (which im sure was sort of complex) but made it easy for us to use.) The interface itself is pretty easy to use.

Interactive Tattoo, Animated Graffiti, and an Ice Robot

Earlier this semester, I found an artist (Karl Marc) who, in collaboration with the Ballatine’s whiskey company, experiments with interactive artwork. More specifically, his artwork is directly influenced by his audience through their posts on Facebook. In this article, there are three Human API (Application Programming Interface) pieces of artwork that come alive in interactivity after their completion. They include an interactive tattoo, live animated graffiti, and an ice robot.

Here is the link: