Final Exercise: Moving Cubes

For the final exercise I took the  basic outline and recreated and modified the example we made in class. I created a wider arrange of colors for each of the shapes and varied the sizes of the cubes. Along with this I modified the starting speed and the angular speed allowing them to head off in any direction. Lastly I introduced the mouse functionality of the program using the left and right click of the mouse. If no button is pressed the cubes will just continually bounce around the screen as they normally do. If, however, the left mouse button is clicked all the shapes will ease themselves towards the mouse and stop. If the right mouse button is pressed they will move apart more quickly as they speed up faster towards the edges.


Here is a video of a guy using the MindWave in conjunction with processing. The MindWave is a device that measures brainwave signals and multiple mental states.  Different patterns of neural interaction are characterized by different amplitudes and frequencies. By filtering out some of the ambient frequencies of the body, this device amplifies raw brainwave signals. More specifically, this device monitors the attention levels of a person as they interact with math, memory and pattern recognition. The guy in this video is plugging the data from the MindWave into a program written in Processing. The product is a graphical representation of the data that responds in real time to the changes in brain activity.

Virtual Urbanity

Virtual Urbanity is a thesis project that was designed by Rafail Bakolas at the Bartlett School of Graduate Studies. It was programmed using the processing language. It is a parametric simulation engine which models a vast and diverse amount of 3D urban configurations. It is based on a Lindenmayer system which I think works like fractals. Or even like Processing on some level. So there would be a set of rules (if this, then that) which take a string of input and produces an output that grows exponentially. This project defines the topology, the geometry, the width, the length, the density and the spatial significance of the streets. Conceptually the aim is to draw relationships between the creation of a realistic urban setting in the physical world to the abstract imaginary environment of the virtual world.


Here is where you can get a pdf of the thesis. It’s pretty interesting stuff.

Virtual Urbanity: A parametric tool for the generation of virtual cities

I came across an interesting data visualizer. doesn’t use processing but it uses mostly open source software. The creators analyzed 42 cities and their estimated material and energy intensities. You can go to the web-map, type in one of these cities, and be given data that reflects material and energy use per person or per household as well as population density. The material data reflects buildings and infrastructure. The energy data reflects transportation, electricity and gas use. The information is illustrated with different colors which correspond to a key on the side of the screen. This interactive tool was created to study urban spatial patterns that are related to material and energy use.

Assignment 4


Here is the last assignment where I have tried to include everything we have learned.

I created a class with some inputs, and I updated them to make them react to the mouse position.

I also include the mouse iteration to pause the image.

This slideshow requires JavaScript.

Assignment 3

So here is my Assignment 3, nothing special but it did take a while to figure out would not have gotten it to work if Prof. Kearns would not have helped, but yeah, i added like 12 lines or somewhere around there of info into the boxdata file so those can get generated on the screen, so i also added a fill color and a stroke color and with all of the rectangles showing up it sort of starts looking like some kind of art work or something abstract, im sure with more tweaking and adding in/moving rectangles around it can look pretty interesting, but atelast its working though.

Assignment 1

I have changed the speed and shape of the circles, by size and m value, background and if values.The x and y values are very specific to where the balls float on the coordinate system. Circle collision

Ball(float x, float y, float r) {

this.x = x;

this.y = y;

this.r = r+40;

m = r*.1;


else if (ball.x < ball.r) {

ball.x = ball.r;

vel.x *= -10;

This made the balls jump round really fast and out of the screen

Audio Reaction

I stumbled upon this a few weeks ago while trying to get ideas for the final project.  It is has no interaction with the program other than the audio.  Upon further investigation, I discovered that the Programming was done by Jayson Haebich from  Jayson specializing is using his programing skill to create a type of art.  During the past year Jayson has created installations and visuals for festivals such as Stereosonic, Woodford Folk Festival and Burning Man USA.  He was also showcased at the 46th Symposium of Science and Documentary Films.